Don't You Worry Child

Don't You Worry Child

Don't You Worry Child関連動画

Don't You Worry Child楽譜概要


Don't You Worry Child」は、Swedish House MafiaはJohn Martinとのコラボ曲です。

スウェディッシュ・ハウス・マフィア (Swedish House Mafia)は、スウェーデンのハウスユニットです。アクスウェル、スティーヴ・アンジェロ、セバスチャン・イングロッソの3人で構成されていました。4thシングル「"Don't You Worry Child"」はオーストラリアやイギリスを始めとする各国で首位まで上り詰めるなど、「"Save The World"」以上の大ヒットを記録しました。その人気はアメリカ合衆国にも飛び火し、「"Don't You Worry Child"」は、全米シングルチャートにて最高6位まで上り詰めています。

John Martin(ジョン・マーティン)は、スウェーデン出身のシンガー・ソングライターです。

歌詞の下は無料Don't You Worry Child楽譜です。興味があれば、どうぞご利用ください。

Don't You Worry Child歌詞:

There was a time
I used to look into my father's eyes.
In a happy home
I was a king, I had a golden throne.
Those days are gone,
Now the memory's on the wall.
I hear the songs
From the places where I was born.

Upon a hill across a blue lake,
That's where I had my first heartbreak.
I still remember how it all changed.

My father said,
"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
See heaven's got a plan for you.
Don't you worry, don't you worry now."

"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
See heaven's got a plan for you.
Don't you worry, don't you worry now."

There was a time
I met a girl of a different kind.
We ruled the world,
I thought I'd never lose her out of sight.
We were so young,
I think of her now and then.
I still hear the songs
Reminding me of a friend.

Upon a hill across a blue lake,
That's where I had my first heartbreak.
I still remember how it all changed.

My father said,
"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
See heaven's got a plan for you.
Don't you worry, don't you worry now."

Oh, oh, oh!
Oh, oh, oh!

See heaven's got a plan for you
[Live version repetitions:]
See heaven's got a plan for you
See heaven's got a plan for you

"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
See heaven's got a plan for you.
Don't you worry, don't you worry now."

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! [3x]

Don't You Worry Child五線譜プレビュー ( 総数8枚 )


Don't You Worry ChildEOPファイル

Everyone Piano
  • ベストピアノ鍵盤ソフト
  • 完全無料、大量楽譜
  • 一週間以内ピアノを弾ける
  • 大人と子供に適する

Don't You Worry Child-コメント

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