Dancing with the Devilは、デミ・ロヴァートが、2021年4月2日にリリースするニュー・アルバム『Dancing with the Devil...The Art of Starting Over』のトラックリストを公開し、今作のタイトルにもなっている新曲「Dancing with the Devil」を先行配信した。
デミは、Bianca Deiandra Atterberry、John Ho、Mitchell Allan Scherrと共作した「Dancing with the Devil」で、2018年に命を落としかけた薬物依存との戦いについてパワフルに歌い上げている。リリースに合わせて、デミがピアノの伴奏に合わせて同曲を熱唱するアコースティック・パフォーマンス映像も解禁された。“Dancing with the Devil”は、2021年の【SXSW】でオープニングを飾った彼女のYouTube Originalsドキュメンタリーのタイトルにもなっている。
その他にLet It Go完全版が提供しており、どうぞご利用ください!
歌詞の下は無料Dancing with the Devil楽譜が提供されており、どうぞ無料でダウンロードしてご利用ください。
Dancing with the Devil歌詞:
It's just a little red wine I'll be fine
Not like I wanna do this every night
I've been good don't I deserve it
I think I earned it feels like it's worth it
In my mind mind
Twisted reality hopeless insanity
I told you I was okay but I was lying
I was dancing with the devil
Out of control
Almost made it to heaven
It was closer than you know
Playing with the enemy
Gambling with my soul
It's so hard to say no
When you're dancing with the devil
It's just a little white line I'll be fine
But soon that little white line is a little glass pipe
Tin foil remedy almost got the best of me
I keep praying I don't reach the end of my lifetime mm
Twisted reality hopeless insanity
I told you I was okay but I was lying
I was dancing with the devil
Out of control
Almost made it to heaven
It was closer than you know
Playing with the enemy
Gambling with my soul
It's so hard to say no
When you're dancing with the devil
Thought that I knew my limit yeah
I thought that I could quit it yeah
I thought that I could walk away easily
But here I am falling down on my knees
Praying for better days to come and wash this pain away
Could you please forgive me
Lord I'm sorry for dancing with the devil
Oh ye-yeah
Dancing with the devil
Out of control
Almost made it to heaven
It was closer than you know
Closer than you know
Playing with the enemy
Gambling with my soul
It's so hard to say no
When you're dancing with the devil
Hm yeah