As I Am-Justin Bieber ft Khalid

As I Am-Justin Bieber ft Khalid

楽譜ダウンロード As I Am-Justin Bieber ft Khalid

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As I Am-Justin Bieber ft Khalid楽譜概要


As I Am両手略譜と五線譜が完全に一致します。

As I Amは、Dj khaledの新曲です。Justin Bieber, Chance the Rapper, Lil Wayne, Quavoらかなり豪華なコラボレーションです。恋人もしくは、気のある相手に、 付き合うべき相手は自分なんだと言い聞かせる ような歌になっています。

その他にPeaches-Justin Bieberが提供しており、どうぞご利用ください!

歌詞の下は無料As I Am楽譜が提供されており、どうぞ無料でダウンロードしてご利用ください。

As I Am歌詞:

By myself sometimes to give my mind some space
Yeah I know yeah I know that it hurts when push your love away
I hate myself
When I tell you lies so your heart won't break
Yeah I know yeah I know that I made my fair share of mistakes
Sometimes I don't know why you love me
Sometimes I don't know why you care
Take me with the good and the ugly
Say "I'm not going anywhere"
Take me as I am swear I'll do the best I can
Say "I'm not going anywhere"
Take mе as I am swear I'll do the best I can
Say "I'm not going anywhere"
Thousand miles apart yeah you're the one that holds my heart
It's no surprise
And I tell you all the time
And when life gets way too hard
I'll meet you in the stars you know I will
I will keep you near
mmm as I wipe away your tears mmm
Sometimes I don't know why you love me
Sometimes I don't know why you care
Take me with the good and the ugly
Say "I'm not going anywhere"
Take me as I am swear I'll do the best I can say
"I'm not going anywhere"
Take me as I am swear I'll do the best I can say
"I'm not going anywhere"
You were there for me when I was acting selfish
And you prayed for me when I was out of faith
You believed in me when ain't nobody else did
It's a miracle you didn't run away
You were there for me when I was acting selfish
And you prayed for me when I was out of faith
You believed in me when ain't nobody else did
It's a miracle you didn't run away
Sometimes I don't know why you love me
Sometimes I don't know why you care
Take me with the good and the ugly
Say "I'm not going anywhere"

As I Am-Justin Bieber ft Khalid五線譜プレビュー ( 総数5枚 )


As I Am-Justin Bieber ft Khalid両手略譜プレビュー ( 総数3枚 )


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